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Linkedin for Business

Written by Anne McAuley Lopez on . Posted in Social Media, Solopreneur Ideas

In 2005 I was in corporate America, working at a computer analyzing data. It wasn’t exciting work but I loved my colleagues and the corporate culture. A co-worker kept sending me a request to join him on a new website – at least new to me – called LinkedIn. After talking to other colleagues, we all decided to create accounts. It was until 2010 when I was laid off that I began to see the power of LinkedIn for business and career.

When I got laid off, we were given a to do list that included updating our LinkedIn profiles and developing a personal brand online.

Long story short, I didn’t find a new job.

I found a new career as a freelance writer and I’ve used LinkedIn for business development.

LinkedIn isn’t for everyone.

Know your target market.

LinkedIn is a great social media platform if …. You’re seeking to connect with other professionals. For me, that’s easy. I am connecting with small to medium size businesses who have a need for content.

Tips for Using LinkedIn for Business

  1. Is this the right social media site for you or your business?
  2. Complete your profile to 100%. **Include a photo — you’re 14 times more likely to be found on LinkedIn with a photo.
  3. Ask for recommendations
  4. Give recommendations
  5. Post updates (statuses)
  6. Comment and share the updates from others in your network
  7. Connect with 500+ people
  8. Keep updating your profile
  9. Target companies or people with whom you want to work
  10. Connect with the right people, not just anyone.

You do all of these things to stay in front of your connections so when they need someone with your expertise, they call you and not your competitor.

Those are the basics about using LinkedIn for business. Now let’s dig in.

At the end of last year my social media was a bit stale. I wasn’t getting results so I decided with switch things up. I found an article on Co-Schedule about The Best Times to Post on Social Media. I scheduled my social media posts according to their plan.

For one month I tracked my progress and the results surprised me.

  • Connections increased by 10
  • Followers increased by 13
  • 3 new leads for clients

Honestly, these were better results than I had anticipated!

(Read more about My Experiment on the Best Times to Post on Social Media.)

Since then I’ve kept on this schedule and continue to see results. I landed my biggest blogging client to date. Here’s what’s interesting — We weren’t even connected on LinkedIn at the time he contacted me! He has a premium account so he can see everyone on LinkedIn. I only have a basic account.

What happens when you’re posting, liking, commenting, and sharing on LinkedIn is that you’re seen by not only your network of 500+ people, you’re seen by the networks of others whose content you’re liking and sharing.

If you’re looking to grow your business using LinkedIn…

  • Consistent effort
  • Relevant content
  • Don’t be selfish especially when it comes to giving recommendations and sharing other people’s content.

For a limited time, I am offering a 30 minute LinkedIn Review for $49 includes recording of our call. Get started by clicking the schedule button on this page. 

Let’s Talk!


[email protected]